5 Game Changing WWE Moments That Just Lead To Business As Usual

A look back when the WWE turned historical moments into status-quot TV.

By Caliber Winfield /

There are those moments in pro-wrestling that stick with us, and in turn make us fans for life. No matter how tough it can be sometimes, no matter how many times you have to stick up for the product, you know that sooner or later it's all worth it. Moments like Hulk Hogan joining the nWo, or Stone Cold Steve Austin winning the WWE Title, moments that were pitch-perfect pay-offs to fantastic story lines that changed the landscape of the product and ensured quality for the foreseeable future, reaffirming your fandom. Unfortunately, there is another side to that coin. When we get these moments that seem like all is going to be well, as they always seem to come after a slump, but inevitably crush our dreams. Moments that are so well done, it seems that the only way one couldn't deliver on the promise was because they intentionally put the plane into a nose-dive. When we get so excited for something fresh & exciting, only for it all to revert back to it's mundane predictability in record time. The saddest part is that these sorts of things seem to be happening much too often in the WWE, however, like always, we'll hope for a brighter future. Until then, we take a look at the Top 5 Game-Changing Moments In The WWE That Just Led To Business As Usual.