5 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE NXT UK (29 April)

Satomura and Valkyrie have a banger, Gallus get back on top, and Teoman snaps.

By Adam Morrison /


Ever since your writer started writing this column a few weeks ago, he was yet to find an episode that genuinely felt must-see to a certain extent. Until last night, anyway. The 29 April 2021 edition was a certified great time.


Capped off by two classics in their own way - Meiko Satomura vs. Aoife Valkyrie and Gallus vs. Symbiosis - this episode felt like WWE were finally investing in their United Kingdom brand once more. Gone were the days of them half-assing their way through a story, as they instead left it to the in-ring work to tell a story worth telling.

Elsewhere on the episode, Rohan Raja debuted in NXT UK and was immediately injured by Teoman, Sha Samuels toppled Levi Muir, five contenders in the women's division were placed in a number one contender's gauntlet match, and Sam Gradwell cut a fire promo on Trent Seven at the UK Performance Center.


This brand has certainly suffered the most out of WWE's regular programming with regards to the empty arena atmosphere, as the British wrestling crowds were known for being absurdly raucous. Even though there are ThunderDome-esque screens on the entrance wall, this is very clearly pre-taped footage as they don't have any sign of emotion.

Let's get to it...
