5 Ups & 5 Downs From Impact Wrestling (26 Jan)

Trey Miguel returns, Eddie Edwards snaps, and Cousin Jake gets a violent offer.

By Adam Morrison /

Impact Wrestling

The Ups and Downs ratios may sometimes say otherwise, but Impact Wrestling remains one of the most enjoyable, entertaining, and engaging pro wrestling shows to watch on a weekly basis. Storylines are consistent, the talent is provided with an opportunity to shine constantly, and they manage to pack a lot into their allotted two hours.


This week was no different, as despite having an even number of Ups to Downs, the episode last night was a hoot.

Capped off by Trey Miguel's surprise return and impressive main event performance alongside the other seven involved, the night also saw a standout match between Cousin Jake and Joe Doering. When two big beefy boys are given the chance to collide like two tanks, you know you're in for something special.


Sprinkling in Matt Cardona's in-ring debut as it pertains to AXS TV, and Eddie Edwards snapping in his match against Brian Myers, and you had quite a solid episode. Sure, some of the Downs were easily avoidable (looking at you, Rosemary vs. Tenille Dashwood), but the content in them was at least alright for the most part. They just came at the wrong time, bar the Rohit Raju promo.

With No Surrender looming on 13 February, let's get to it...
