5 Ups And 3 Downs From Last Night's WWE SmackDown (March 10)

The go-home show to Roadblock!

By Jamie Kennedy /

This week, Smackdown was - once again - a much more well-rounded program than Monday Night Raw. Even years after implementing the format, the writing team at WWE still struggle to really fill out that third hour each Monday. That was proven once more on the latest episode, which tailed off towards the end after a hot opening. Smackdown doesn't really suffer from the same issues, because the 2-hour length is perfect. Obviously, WWE glean sufficient advertising money from having that third hour on Raw, but it comes at the cost and detriment of the product overall. That's something abundantly clear to most fans. On this week's episode of Smackdown, the company hyped a Miz TV segment involving Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens, as well as some words from Chris Jericho. The Canadian turned heel on AJ Styles on Raw, so it was interesting to hear what he had to say. Overall, there were only 4 matches on Smackdown, but that number allowed each one room to breathe. Only one of the bouts was a short affair, but there shouldn't be any complaints over that decision. This article aims to home in on 5 different positives from Smackdown, whilst also looking at 3 distinct negatives the show provided.