5 Valets Who Overshadowed Their Wrestlers (& 5 Who Complemented Them)

Sometimes the supporting act becomes the star of the show.

By Jacques Martin /


At it's very best, the relationship between valet and wrestler can be like adding the perfect jelly to a peanut butter sandwich.


Ideally, A good valet will help elevate the act they are associated with. However, there are also times when the supporting character ends up stealing the spotlight from the person who is supposed to be the star of the show.

To be fair, when some valets become the center of attention, it's often through no fault of their own. Conversely, in some cases, it can even be by design.

The best way to truly understand the valet-wrestler relationship is to take a look at examples in which the wrestler benefited from the association. Of course, to paint a clear picture, one must also consider the times in which the valet became the focal point. In some cases, these ladies went on to become a much bigger star than the performer they once represented.

As we are about to see, there are a variety of unique intangibles and circumstances that can determine whether or not a valet-wrestler pairing will ultimately be successful.

Now it's time to explore them further.

10. Complemented: Sherri Martel With Randy Savage

Sherri Martel helped Randy Savage transition from being one of the most beloved characters in WWE to becoming one of the biggest heels in wrestling.


Unlike other valets, who were little more than eye candy, Martel was a rough around the edges villain who wasn't afraid to get her hands dirty. She would frequently get physically involved in Savage's matches, attacking the top babyfaces of the era. She wasn't shy about taking a bump either and was often on the receiving end of a babyface beat down.

While both her ringside and in-ring antics helped generate plenty of heel heat for the 'Macho King,' her promos were also effective. Martel always made Savage (or whoever she was representing) the focal point of her interviews.

'Sensational' Sherri was a valet who understood her job was to get her wrestler over at all costs, and she went to great lengths to do so. Aspiring heel valets would do well to watch old Sherri Martel footage and witness a master at work.
