6 Questions Stone Cold Steve Austin Failed To Ask Vince McMahon

The Rattlesnake failed to strike.

By Daniel Linde /

Stone Cold Steve Austin€™s interview with his former boss, and greatest rival, Vincent K McMahon was perhaps the WWE Network€™s most intriguing show to date. Questions concerning the WWE Network, the end of Undertaker€™s streak and CM Punk€™s exit were put to McMahon. No doubt fans both old and new loved having the opportunity to listen to the greatest ever wrestler put the greatest ever promoter on the spot. While it may seem like McMahon allowed Austin to throw curve balls without restraint, a closer look reveals a different picture. Numerous hot and controversial topics were carefully avoided, and what seemed like a huge look behind the curtain of wrestling's greatest puppet master, actually revealed little that long time fans didn't already know. We were told that McMahon thinks his product should best be called sports entertainment. We knew that already. We were also told that McMahon made the call for Brock Lesnar to beat the Taker at WrestleMania 30. But we knew that too. So, while his interview style was tough and to the point, there were many difficult and pressing questions which the Texas Rattlesnake failed to ask. We, the people, are left to forever wonder what could have been. With a once in a lifetime opportunity staring him in the face, wrestling's toughest SOB dropped the ball on these key questions.