6 Times John Cena Quickly Rose Above Injury

Don't rule the man who never gives up yet.

By Justin Henry /

Whether you like Cena or not, you simply cannot deny the man's inhuman levels of endurance. To maintain the schedule he's kept over the past decade-plus (work, travel, movies, charity, and media), with little time to rest his aches and pains, speaks to a reliability that most of us mortals could not fathom. Sure, he may apply the STF incorrectly, but no one can question Cena's dependability or work ethic. He's in a class of his own. Cena's relentless schedule has, naturally, led to him going down with some considerable injuries, many of which he gutted out at the time, an unwritten responsibility of the headliner whose face appears on every advertisement. Other times, there was no choice but for Cena to take a break and heal his wheels. Even in those cases, Cena came back far quicker than anyone had expected, to the point where these days he could be decapitated in a car wreck, and we'd expect him to miss maybe a couple of Raws. Rise above road accidents, indeed. It's been heavily rumored that The Undertaker's opponent for WrestleMania is now official, and there are hints that Cena may return early from surgery to repair his rotator cuff, taking the match in front of potentially the largest WrestleMania crowd ever. This would be miraculous, given that Cena's time frame for recovery was six to nine months. As we've all learned, Cena's regenerative powers practically classify him as a cyborg. Here are other times where Cena defied the benchmarks of recovery, and refused to lay down long for pain.