6 Ups And 3 Downs From WWE Survivor Series WarGames

Sami Zayn sells his soul, Becky Lynch returns to action, new champ crowned.

By Scott Carlson /


The 2022 edition of Survivor Series is probably going to end up being divisive for fans for several reasons, and it will come down along the lines of expectations and acceptance.


If you tuned in expecting to see a major return based on rumors and location, you were horribly disappointed. If you are not a fan of multiple 35-minute matches or the WarGames concept itself, then you didn’t have a lot else to digest and enjoy on the premium live event.

But Survivor Series was a good show that delivered what it promised. It brought the WarGames concept to the main roster and produced two matches that will be remembered for different reasons. The women’s battle had better overall action and flow, while the men’s match had a dramatic tension and climax that is almost impossible to achieve in a wrestling ring.

We also got a fantastic singles bout between the leaders of two factions, keeping the outside interference, well, outside the ring.

However, we also got a title match that had no business being on a PLE card, and another title bout that had one of the biggest “slip on a banana peel” finishes we’ve seen in a while

Still, this was a pretty good show overall that entertained and connected stories along the way. Unlike previous Survivor Series events, this didn’t feel like a throwaway show as the “brand supremacy” shows had felt. This one felt consequential. That’s a win.

Let’s get to it…