6 Ups And 6 Downs From Last Night's WWE Raw (August 26)

KOTR on upswing, tag division stock plummets, Braun denied, Sasha defiant.

By Scott Carlson /


After a string of solid-to-really-good episodes of Raw, WWE was bound to backslide a little bit at some point, and the company turned in a pedestrian program Monday night.


Raw had its share of good moments and was easily watchable, but there were a few questionable decisions, most notably the tag team turmoil match, which was a huge letdown from something that could have been a great coming-out party for one team and turned into a head-scratcher all the way around.

We also saw Braun Strowman once again challenge for a singles title, and once again fall short. Color us shocked.


But Raw did feature a really good King of the Ring tournament match, and another KOTR bout that featured a clean finish, so thumbs up for the tournament so far. Raw also included the in-ring return of Sasha Banks, who also finally explained her actions a couple weeks ago – with real reasons!

Raw certainly has been better recently, so that even an uneven episode is passable, which is a lot better than we could have said a few months ago. Storylines are continuing to move ahead, there are fewer head-scratchers, and the in-ring action has been pretty good overall.


With that said, let’s get to it…