6 Ups And Downs From Last Night's WWE Raw (Dec 29)

Did 2014 manage to end on a high note?

By Scott Carlson /

Almost. We almost ended 2014 on a high note with Monday night€™s Raw. The final Raw of the year featured a lot of positives €“ decent matches, meaningful storyline developments, a return, a huge surprise and a title change €“ that you normally don€™t get during the holidays in WWE. The negatives weren€™t fatal, insulting problems that would leave a fan embarrassed. It looked like WWE was going to head into 2015 with some positive momentum, a feeling that things were looking up, at least a little bit. And then the last 15 minutes of Raw happened. In a flash, things went back to €œnormal,€ as yet another €œforever€ stipulation was flushed down the toilet in a matter of weeks. A wrestling cliché already deemed well past its sell-by date is now being revisited. And a Hall of Famer was emasculated and used as a plot point to accomplish this. It€™s like watching Shawshank Redemption and Andy Dufresne gets captured trying to escape. You€™re enjoying yourself and suddenly the movie smacks you in the face and the end ruins your experience. Raw€™s ending felt tacked on, as if WWE writers suddenly discovered that the stipulation from Survivor Series expired on December 31 and had to use it quickly. Still, this week€™s Raw was a marked improvement from previous weeks. (It also included a nice, quiet endorsement of NXT Champion Sami Zayn, with Edge wearing an €œInZayn€ T-Shirt.) Let€™s see what worked and what didn€™t. (Apologies for being a day late in posting this. The holidays finally caught up to the author.)
