6 WWE Stars That Surprisingly Weren't Blacklisted for Bad Behavior

Naughty, naughty.

By Nicole Malczan /

As a celebrity, especially one as beloved as Hulk Hogan, you almost have a certain responsibility to uphold. Although he's not the "say your prayers and take your vitamins" worldwide wrestling icon that he once was, many still look up to the Hulkster, appreciating his early days before he began shilling for Rent-a-Center, acting creepy with his daughter, and delving into reality television and porn.


Yeah, okay, we were all kind of hoping to never have to see Hogan without his trademark yellow spandex, but it's what he said in his porn tape that pretty much ruined his career forever. His racist remarks were met with zero tolerance. WWE has erased Hulk Hogan from existence, making him disappear much like Chris Benoit did, but for a less severe offense. That's not to say that racism isn't serious, because it absolutely is.

Hogan is now out of a Tough Enough deal and he won't be making any money from WWE Shop anytime soon. TNA has even put its collective foot down, declining any offers to work with Hogan again. It'll be tough for him to find gainful employment in the future, that's for sure.

Of course, not overlooking the racism at all, Hogan's not the only wrestler who has behaved badly in different ways. Some other Superstars, Divas, and big names in WWE have been plenty terrible in their spare time, yet Vince McMahon hasn't decided to completely blacklist them. 

These six stars should be counting their blessings. 

6. Seth Rollins

It was the shortlived scandal that only proved that it's amounted to be a pretty poor year for WWE press. There was the Seth Rollins mishap, bad live event reviews, decreasing ratings, and now Hogan's behavior is the icing on the crappy cake.


While Rollins himself was pretty much absolved of guilt (hence why he still has a career in WWE), he's not totally innocent. He did indeed take nude photos of himself, which is common enough among us normal folk but not recommended for celebrities.

He did also have X-rated pictures of NXT-upstart-turned-pariah Zahra Schreiber on his phone. However, he himself didn't post her pictures to his Instagram account, which then showed up on WWE's website's feed. No, that was the work of his then-fiancée Leighla Schultz.

While it never became clear whether Rollins was explicitly cheating on his future wife, he certainly wasn't being totally faithful, and that was enough for Schultz. She leaked several nudes of the former Shield member on Twitter as well as some alleged texts that Rollins and Schreiber had shared, including a hilarious one of "I hate my life and my fiancée I just want to run away with you".

WWE surprisingly painted Rollins as someone just caught in the crossfire, even giving him the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. He and Schultz most surely split up and the whole thing blew over. 
