7 Annoying WWE Crowd Chants That Need To Die

No, you are not awesome. WHAT? You are irritating. WHAT?

By Jacob Trowbridge /

There was a time not so long ago when crowd chants at a WWE event were simple, harmless, and rare. We'd chant our favorite performers' names and boo the heels, maybe tossing in the occasional "A**hole" chant just for Vince McMahon.


But somewhere along the way, chanting became more than just a way to express adoration or hatred for a particular superstar. It snowballed to the point that chants are now their own sideshow, often overshadowing whatever's going on in the ring.

Sometimes it's funny. Sometimes the person on the receiving end deserves it. But more often than not, it's just annoying.

Now, before we get into this, I'm not advocating a ban on chants. I don't think that crowd interaction is inherently a bad thing. And I agree that, on occasion, a good, creative chant can liven up an otherwise dull show.

But as with anything, frequency and context are important. And many WWE fans have decided to chant all the time, regardless of whether it's actually warranted.

It's impossible to express what's wrong with these chants better than the legendary Jim Ross, so I'll let him take over:

"At times, these chants feel that they are from self absorbed, attention starved fans who feel compelled to make sure that everyone within ear shot knows how they feel. I get the theory that if I pay my money I can say whatever it is that I want, but is that actually necessary?"

Heed J.R.'s words, WWE fans. Heed them hard.

7. WHAT!?

Stone Cold Steve Austin is one of WWE's greatest treasures. Not only did he save the company from going under, but just as importantly, he made the WWE cool again. And part of that was thanks to his endless parade of salty catchphrases.


What would the current product look like without "Austin 3:16" and his "bottom line" and never-ending supply of whoop-ass cans? That hypothetical world isn't a place I'd want to live, that's for sure.

But despite his many positive contributions to the industry, he's also responsible for one of the absolute worst things to ever befall professional wrestling. That f*cking annoying, no-good "WHAT!?" chant that is still echoing throughout arenas fifteen years later.

It's the cockroach of the WWE. It simply refuses to die, and no amount of fire or chemical warfare will scrub it from existence. Partially because WWE fans still have an incredible hard-on for Austin's Attitude Era, but mostly because some men just want to watch the world burn.

Stone Cold himself has apologized many times for bringing this infestation to the WWE. But no number of apologies can ever make this right.

It's impossible to say whether or not this one will ever truly go away. The statistics say no. But maybe if we all do our part, and punch the hell out of everyone we catch shouting it, we can finally rid the WWE of "WHAT!?" and make the world a better place for our children.
