7 Annoying WWE Crowd Chants That Need To Die

6. "We Are Awesome!"

Stone Cold What

What on earth could possibly be more abhorrent than the "WHAT!?" chant? Well, how about three words that perfectly exemplifies the sheer egotism of modern WWE crowds while adding a thick layer of displeasure to the overall product?

In some ways, WWE fans have turned into mass gatherings of attention-starved, unoriginal hecklers. And the echoes of "We are awesome!" showcase that better than anything else possibly could.

I get that everyone just wants to have fun at the show, but this is just stupid and, to again quote Jim Ross, unnecessary. Because there's literally no other reason this chant exists besides to detract from the performances of the wrestlers and piss all over whatever's happening in the ring.

"We are awesome!" isn't just an obnoxious chorus, it's actively trying to shift the balance from the ring (aka the product everyone paid to see) to the audience. It's no different than a heckler at a stand-up show trying to overshadow the comedian. He also paid money to be there. But he's also a dick for heckling the professional everyone else went to see.

To put it another way, this is like half of the fans at a Metallica concert shouting the chorus to a Guns N' Roses song during "Nothing Else Matters" because they're bored and demand more fun.

That's not how that works. That's not how any of this works.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.