7 Best Ways WWE Can Utilise Rumoured Returning Stars

It's one thing to bring them back, it's another to know how to properly use them.

By Erik Beaston /

The latest WWE brand extension comes at a time when the company is desperately pushing a New Era, which is all the more ironic given the fact that high-ranking officials behind the scenes are reaching out to stars of a bygone era to help bolster star power for Raw and SmackDown.


Not only is it an admission from the proud, typically chest-thumping promotion that they have failed to create bona fidestars that can consistently draw ratings, it is also recognition of the positive effect those stars from the past had on the company.

Jeff Hardy, Rey Mysterio and Bill Goldberg are just a few of the names being tossed back and forth, their name value alone almost guaranteed to generate interest among longtime fans and casual audiences alike.

It is one thing to coerce those stars to strap on their boots, pull on a brand new pair of tights and take to the squared circle in which they have earned their fortunes and legacies, it is another to know how to best utilise them.

With July 19 rapidly approaching, and rumours heating up that the WWE Universe could see any of these superstars back on their screens sooner than later, enjoy this look at the best ways to use them for desired results.

7. Stevie Richards

One of the most underrated elements of WWE circa 2000 was Stevie Richards' work as the uptight censor Steven Richards, head of The Right to Censor, a faction of midcard stars who struck out against the inappropriate violence and sex that permeated the company's programming.


Richards was loud, obnoxious even, but he spoke with great conviction and was never anything but believable.

Even when he moved on from that gimmick, becoming the kooky boyfriend of Victoria and a staple of the hardcore division, Richards was always a great hand between the ropes.

It should be no surprise that WWE would be interested in bringing him back into the fold as it embarks on its second brand extension. While Richards is smart enough to adjust his style and still be an effective in-ring performer at this point in his career, he would better be served working in the company's Performance Center, where he can both train competitors in the ring and coach them in their development as on-screen characters.

A star for WWE, ECW, WCW and TNA at different points throughout his career, Richards has a wealth of experience to draw from. Vince McMahon's promotion has a wealth of young stars who could benefit from his expertise.
