7 Candidates To Replace The Authority As WWE's New Figurehead

A number of good choices are out there to be WWE's next authority figure.

By John Canton /

This year's Survivor Series is being headlined by a five on five elimination match with Team Authority taking on Team Cena. With no WWE Title on the line because Brock Lesnar is sitting at home for a few months, WWE needed to do something big for the main event. Their idea was to have Vince McMahon come out on Raw a couple of weeks ago to say that if The Authority loses then Stephanie McMahon and Triple H will be removed from power. The expectation is that Cena's team is going to win at Survivor Series. Somebody like Ryback is going to do very well. Maybe Randy Orton will even show up. Most likely it's gong to be a happy ending for the good guys. Why else would they announce the stipulation? It's all about resetting things in WWE headed towards the new year. Plus, there are rumors that Stephanie McMahon is pregnant, which would mean they need an excuse to write Stephanie out of storylines. This will do it. A lot of the candidates to replace The Authority are men that we've seen in similar positions before. While we did see some younger people in power in the last couple of years with AJ Lee and Brad Maddox in those spots, it's really better when it's more of a veteran presence. The targets should be people that aren't going to wrestle because it's better if a General Manager is not having matches on a regular basis. Here's a look at seven candidates that would do a great job of replacing The Authority as the figurehead in WWE. First up is Mike Adamle. Just kidding. Nobody wants to see that ever again.