7 Countries That Have Had The Most Impact On WWE

Canada's impact on WWE has been priceless.

By Breanne Clarke /

WWE.comIt's no secret that from its inception, the WWE (then WWF) has experienced incredible exponential growth, extending its reach to every far corner of the world. That reach is only likely to increase, given the imminent release of the WWE Network to many countries outside of the USA. However, it is not only the WWE that has had an impact on the world; sometimes the world has an impact on WWE. It seems that now is a time in which the WWE is experiencing an influx of foreign talent who are deepening the roster, adding to storylines and creating instant classic Pay Per View matches. The current Divas Champion, Intercontinental Champion, United States Champion, NXT Champion and Tag Team Champions are all of foreign descent, and that is only scratching the surface of the immense wealth of foreign talent that WWE has expeprienced since its establishment. This bank of talent is only likely to grow, as the Internet Wrestling Community is rife with rumours at the minute of several foreign athletes possibly making their way to the bright lights of a WWE stage. With that in mind, this article takes a look at the 7 countries that have had the most impact on the WWE in the past and present, and examines several talents that are rumoured to be on their way to WWE's already eclectic roster of superstars!