7 Feuds Key To Baron Corbin's Success In WWE

It's been a solid start for The Lone Wolf but these feuds are key to his continued success...

By Erik Beaston /

There is no guarantee that Baron Corbin's WrestleMania 32 victory in the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal will net him measurable success in WWE. Success is defined in many ways but simply making it to Raw and SmackDown is not one of them. To truly achieve success, he must deliver performances that inspire the audience to care about him one way or the other.


He also much learn different styles and to do so, will have to step out of his comfort zone and into the squared circle with Superstars that are the best in those fields. He will have to learn to brawl and to chain wrestle. He will have to continuing developing the character that he started fleshing out late in his NXT run. Most importantly, he will have to measure up against the most elite performers in the industry.

It sounds difficult, and it is, but with the right stories and opponents, there is no reason The Lone Wolf cannot achieve greatness at the next level.

Who are those opponents destined to experience End of Days and how will they benefit Corbin in the future?

Click the "next" button to find out.

7. Kalisto

While working in NXT, Baron Corbin regularly competed against smaller Superstars. Finn Balor, Hideo Itami, Austin Aries...all celebrated workers who gave up considerable size to the former NFL offensive lineman. Whereas a lesser-skilled competitor would struggle to perfect the "big vs. little" formula, Corbin thrived in it. His best performances came against smaller stars that would bump for him and whose offense he could sell spectacularly when the time called for it.


Current United States champion Kalisto has struggled to find a following as a singles competitor, thanks in large part to inconsistent booking. Not only could he garner sympathy working with a vile, villainous bully like Corbin, but both could see their stars rise with solid performances.

Corbin is a much better worker at this point in his career than most young big men ever were. Letting him demonstrate his ability to sell for a smaller star would do for him what it did for Brock Lesnar during his underrated bouts against Rey Mysterio: prove that he is anything but a one-dimensional professional wrestler.
