7 Ground-Breaking Promos That Changed A Career Forever

Huge turning points in the careers of some of the greatest talkers ever.

By Elliott Binks /

In this day and age, it€™s no longer possible for professional wrestlers to get by on in-ring ability alone. Sports entertainers, as they€™ve come to be known, need a gimmick that the fans can buy into, a look that€™s going to set them apart from others€”but perhaps most importantly they need to be comfortable on the mic. So often we€™ve seen talents fail to live up to their potential on account of their lacklustre verbal skills. But then, at the other end of the spectrum, we€™ve seen a number of stars seemingly made overnight as a result of their encapsulating ability to talk the talk. Sure, we€™ve got legends like Paul Heyman and Mick Foley who€™ve always been able to deliver the goods. But what about the guys who have that one moment, that one instance, that one distinctive promo that transformed their career and elevated them to whole other level. This article looks to highlights the superstars who established themselves with a ground-breaking promo that changed their career for the better forever. Make no mistake, this isn€™t a list of the greatest promos of all time. What we€™re looking for here is change€”a positive change brought about from one unprecedented development. But first let€™s cover those that didn€™t quite make this particular list.

Honourable Mentions

The likes of Heyman and Foley have already been mentioned as guys who won€™t be on this list. That€™s not to say that they don€™t deliver a stellar promo€”quite the opposite€”it€™s just difficult to pinpoint an exact instance of one promo that changed either man€™s career. You could perhaps argue that Foley€™s epic €œCane Dewey€ tirade should be considered, but to be fair to Mick that wasn€™t anything out of the blue€”he was already known as a top talker, it merely confirmed what we already knew. And speaking of memorable promos, the likes of Dusty Rhodes (for his €œHard Times€ classic) and Ric Flair (€œto be the man, you€™ve got to beat the man") certainly deserve a mention, but did those speeches really change either man€™s career? Not really, given that they€™d already been performing at the top of their games previously, and thus they weren€™t necessarily instances of change€”much like the case of Foley. And then on the other side of the spectrum, we have stars would definitely used their promo skills to change their careers, however they don€™t make the list as it€™s difficult to hone in on one example that propelled them to greatness. Examples of these stars include the likes of the Rock and Edge€”excellent talkers, but there was no discernible breakthrough moment that made people sit up and listen, as their rises were much more organic. Quite unlike this man€™s rise€