7 Most Successful WWE Superstars To Ever Step Foot In Hell In A Cell

Who has the greatest record inside Hell in a Cell? Does Austin make it?

By Elliott Binks /

Hell in a Cell is the type of match reserved for only the most notable of feuds. So in some ways, to be involved in a program that makes it to Hell in a Cell is something of a success in itself; a kind of recognition of your body of work, a badge of honour, if you will (albeit a slightly unpleasant one, what with the small matter of 16 foot falls and the copious volumes of blood loss). But if earning a spot in the Hell in a Cell limelight is badge of honour of sorts, to pick up a victory inside the structure is an even greater distinction. Over the years, a select few manage have managed to do that€”with an even smaller number having done so on multiple occasions. This article looks back at that elite group of Superstars with multiple Hell in a Cell wins, as we count down the 7 participants who've been achieved the most success inside the Cell.


7. CM Punk

He may have been gone for nigh on two years now, but CM Punk still managed to put together quite the record inside Hell in a Cell before his infamous departure. The Straightedge Superstar won twice in the Cell; and both instances were at the expense of Ryback. First, he defeated the Big Guy in 2011 during his iconic 434-day reign as Champion (with more than a little help from Brad Maddox). Then the following year, Ryback was joined by Paul Heyman. Far from being a handicap match, though, Heyman would spend the entire bout on top of the Cell, avoiding the wrath of Punk. Until, of course, Punk picked up the win and joined his former ally up top to dish out some retribution. Prior to those wins, though, the Second City Saint had tasted defeat in three separate Hell in a Cell matches. His first outing ended in defeat to The Undertaker, the second was a loss in a five-man dark match from 2011 instalment of Raw, and the third came the following week at Hell in a Cell versus Alberto Del Rio and John Cena. Incidentally, all three defeats involved World titles, though his clash with €˜Taker was the only one in which he personally lost the belt. Still, his two prior victories put him in an elite category and earn him the number seven spot on this list.