7 Real Reasons Why WWE Fans Don't Watch TNA

New TV deal doesn't matter if you don't watch it anyway.

By John Canton /

The news of Total Nonstop Action wrestling moving to the Destination America channel in the United States was a big deal because it meant that TNA wasn't going to die. After their deal with Spike TV ended, there was some concern that TNA would be no more. Thanks to Destination America, which is owned by Discovery, they'll still be around. It's going to be difficult for TNA going forward because Destination America isn't in as many homes as Spike TV and a lot of people in America have no idea if they even have the channel. Thanks to the low penetration of the network it's realistic to think that TNA's 900,000 weekly viewers of Impact in the US might be cut in half. That's not good. People in TNA can talk about how great it is to be on Destination America, but the reality is that going on a channel with fewer viewers than your former network is not a good thing. They have bragged that they are going to get more shows on Destination America as if that's great. If people don't know about the network then how are they going to see the shows? That's the problem. There are a lot of wrestling fans that only watch WWE because that's the only wrestling company they've ever known. Maybe they watched WCW at times or they know of TNA's existence, but they're not ready to commit to something else for whatever reasons. What are those reasons exactly? Well, there are several of them that could be used to explain why WWE fans don't watch TNA and maybe they never will. Here's a look at them.