WWE: 7 Things That Shouldn't Have Happened At WrestleMania 30

By Ash /

So, 30 years after the very first event, yet another edition of WrestleMania is in the history books. It's certainly one that will stick in the memories of fans for a long, long time €“ there is absolutely no doubt about it. But with every WrestleMania that comes and goes, you can guarantee 3 things; 1 €“ Something epic will happen at some point in the show. 2 €“ The following RAW will, invariably, produce something big for the rest of the year. 3 €“ Everyone will have an opinion they want to share. The first point is an understatement this year, because so many epic things happened €“ I mean, they really pushed the boat out for the 30th edition. The second point, well I'm writing this on the Monday, so I can only speculate something big will happen (personally, I'm leaning towards either the return of CM Punk or début of Sting). And the third point, well, that's where I come in. Now, I want to make it abundantly clear that I actually enjoyed WrestleMania 30. This isn't going to be me taking a crap over the entire event €“ but as a fan of wrestling for 14 years, there were a few things that stuck in my craw whilst watching the show last night and I wanted to take a moment to share my views. You won't all agree, and I appreciate that, and I certainly look forward to the opportunity to discuss everyone's opinion. That being said, I've been very careful so far, but I need to point out that if you haven't watched WrestleMania 30 yet (if not, why not?), this article will contain spoilers.