WWE: 7 Things That Shouldn't Have Happened At WrestleMania 30

7. The Opening Segment Shouldn't Have Taken Place In The Ring

I've got to hold my hands up, first and foremost, and say that without the opening segment, I wouldn't have watched WrestleMania 30 live. I was tired after a long day of work - for those of you who didn't read my first article, I should point out that I live in England, meaning the show started at midnight on Sunday €“ and was heavily contemplating ordering a replay of the show. I had to purchase the show regardless, so I decided to watch the first segment. Rick Derringer's "Real American" hits and I popped - that was it for me, I was staying up for the entire show. Had this been a free broadcast, that opening segment would have hooked millions of people to watch. But if you were watching, you would have paid to do so, meaning you were already hooked. So, for me this, this segment wasn't about hooking additional viewers, but rather for making a WrestleMania moment. I actually enjoyed the segment and looking around on Facebook, Twitter and even here at WhatCulture, it definitely was a special moment for a lot of people. But for me, it should have been a backstage piece €“ or maybe on the stage - something that allowed the three guys to do their shtick whilst saving a considerable amount of time. Just their entrances alone ate up a great deal of time, and that is where the big issue is - that because the WWE wanted to give three icons some air time, which has absolutely no impact on the product whatsoever, cuts were made in other places. This is purely speculation, but there are always stories about segments and matches over-running, meaning that time has to be cut from somewhere else. And if you need a hint, I'm pointing at the six-man tag match between The Shield and the team of Kane and the New Age Outlaws. The Shield are notorious for having excellent matches night in, night out and they should have been allowed to have one with The Authority. My guess is, the opening segment over-ran and time was cut here, leaving the match to run for a grand total of 3 minutes and 6 seconds, according to Wikipedia, which left the Outlaws and Director of Operations looking dreadful. This segment didn't need to happen and took away from the younger talent.

Ash hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.