7 Ups And 5 Downs From Last Night's WWE Raw (Sept 2)

A hot, shock ending provides Raw with a shot in the arm.

By Scott Carlson /


Raw was steaming along as an entertaining, but unspectacular episode until the final minute, when we were smacked in the face with a tremendous little piece of business.


It’s tough to say we’re completely surprised when someone turns heel, because most times, there’s a decent reason for it, or some degree of foreshadowing. But still, you can’t help but drop your jaw a bit and re-watch the moment, just to feel the rush again.

Monday Night Raw gave us that moment as the show went off the air, but it also gave us some decent moments along the way with Becky Lynch, Bray Wyatt, Rey Mysterio, and even the OC. It was a balanced show that moved along well with some good in-ring action, but it wasn’t perfect by any means.


We still are being asked to buy Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode as serious tag title contenders. We’re still being asked to accept Lacey Evans as a serious competitor. We’re still being asked to watch the Viking Raiders beat up jobbers. And we’re still being asked to watch Cesaro job rather than getting a chance to succeed.

But Raw gets positive marks this week. Still, let’s dive in and see how it all breaks down.


Let’s get to it…