7 Ups And 6 Downs From WWE Extreme Rules 2016

Fatal Fourway for the IC title, thumbtacks and a returning former world champ, oh my.

By Scott Carlson /


Just when you thought that WWE was going to just give us another PPV with Roman Reigns holding the title over his head as fans lustily boo and JBL extolls the virtues of freedom of choice, the company mixed things up and closed Extreme Rules with a returning Seth Rollins making his impact felt.


Beyond that, WWE delivered another solid, if unspectacular, PPV. There wasnt enough to consider it great by any stretch, but at least most people showed up to work Sunday night. Unsurprisingly, the Intercontinental Championship match stole the show, leaving fans spent after cheering almost nonstop. Most of the other matches were pretty good themselves.

Still, Extreme Rules on the whole wont go down as a classic PPV. Parts of it were forgettable (Ziggler/Corbin and Kalisto/Rusev), while others you will have to watch a couple more times to really appreciate. The specialty matches themselves also were lacking, with six of the eight having special stipulations, and a couple stips just pertaining to the number of opponents involved in the match.


Through it all, WWE managed to put on a decent show last night with some solid matches and a killer finish. But will Rollins return make a difference? Time will tell

So what powered through it all and what folded like a tent. Lets get to it
