7 Wrestlers Who Could Anchor WWE's New Cruiserweight Division

A lot of current NXT stars could build an excellent cruiserweight division.

By John Canton /

The Cruiserweight division hasn't been a part of WWE for most of the past decade. The last Cruiserweight Champion was Hornswoggle in 2007, so that shows how much of a joke it became. However, much to the delight of fans, it might be coming back. It was reported a few days ago that WWE issued a survey asking fans if they would like to see the return of Cruiserweights to the company. They asked fans if they would like Cruiserweights to have a weekly show on the WWE Network, be used as part of NXT, be used on Main Event or be used on RAW and SmackDown. It's a concept that WCW popularized in the mid to late 1990s when they brought in a lot of great Cruiserweight talent and put them in competitive matches leading to many great matches for the Cruiserweight Title. Since WWE's roster is loaded with talent that doesn't always get a chance to show what they can do, it would be awesome to see Cruiserweights featured on WWE TV. If they got their own WWE Network show they could probably tape it at Full Sail University where they tape NXT to give it that cool feel. If they didn't give the Cruiserweights their own show that would be fine too. All they have to do is introduce a title, build up some contenders and find some guys to really build the division around. They wouldn't have to recruit too many new talents since they already have a lot of guys around the 220 pound weight range. Here's a look at seven guys WWE could build a new Cruiserweight division around.