7 WWE Careers That Are At A Dead End

By John Canton /

The WWE roster is as big as ever these days. At WrestleMania 30, there were 66 performers that were part of the matches on the show as long as you count the pre-show. There's absolutely no way that WWE can push all of them and they never will be able to do that, but they can definitely do a better job of utilizing some of the talented performers that are doing nothing right now. What these guys need is a character reset. By character reset, what we mean is that a performer needs to completely change the way he acts and looks or simply needs to change something to make him feel fresh. That's what WWE is doing now with Wade Barrett, who was stuck in midcard purgatory for years and is now getting pushed as "Bad News Barrett" the possible next Intercontinental Champion. Can he move higher up the card? Time will tell. There have been times when management got totally behind somebody they didn't care about for years. Look at Mark Henry in 2011 for example. He was in WWE for 15 years when they finally pushed him and he beat Randy Orton clean to become the World Champion. Most people thought it would never happen for him, but it did. Some performers in WWE are unfortunately in a dead end position these days where they are locked in a spot that they might be unable to get out of. Part of is their fault as performers because they're lacking something, but it's also due to the creative team being lazy in terms of their booking. Every person on the roster should have a distinguishable character. Some of them do not. Here's a look at seven guys that are all very talented in some way (most of them have held titles in WWE), yet they're locked in a spot that may be incredibly difficult to get out of. They've all been pushed to some level at one point in their careers and are above the likes of JTG and Yoshi Tatsu, but for whatever reason they have reached a dead end in their careers. How can they get out of that spot? We'll do our best to help them out.