8 Attitude Era Lessons WWE Can Learn Today

It's time to bring back the fun to professional wrestling.

By Douglas Scarpa /

Everything within the WWE has become bland and boring -- like white bread. The company continues to sit on the proverbial fence, refusing to take a leap into the unknown. However, the WWE€™s hesitance toward making their product edgier and more in line with the current culture is absurd. They€™ve done it before, as evidenced by the Attitude Era, and it worked gloriously. Does WWE need to take things to the extent that they did in the late €˜90s? No, of course not. However, their current motto of toeing the proverbial line and staying on the straight and narrow is undoubtedly the wrong move. Ratings have dwindled. The Network has failed to attract a high enough number of subscribers. The company is falling from grace. While they may be unsure of what to do or where to go, they need to look no further than their own history. Like today€™s era, the New Generation age was one of economic downturn and stifled creativity. However, following the dark days of the mid-90s, WWE forged a new path with their Attitude Era. A similar change would work wonders for the company today and likely lead them to renewed prosperity. While the Attitude Era was a once-in-a-lifetime period in history, it provided many lessons that the WWE can learn. For whatever reason, however, the company has seemingly forgotten their own conquests from over a decade ago and has fallen into despair and disrepair. Join us as we take a look back at the hallowed period of time known as the Attitude Era and breakdown eight of the lessons that WWE can learn from it.