8 Biggest Tweeners In WWE History
Too good to be bad...

The term 'tweener' means different things to different people. On one hand, it can mean that a babyface/heel was bad at their job and couldn't provoke the correct or desired response from WWE's audience. On the other, these performers were so special that they were able to transcend the divide 'good' and 'bad'.
Take the upcoming match between Brock Lesnar and Samoa Joe as an example of the latter. Both are very much over with fans, and whilst Brock is clearly being positioned as the 'good guy' (he's not the one sneak-attacking Joe from behind, after all), Paul Heyman's 'Beast Incarnate' isn't exactly a classic babyface either. Both guys exist on that rare level above being pigeon-holed as babyface or heel.
Neither Lesnar or Joe pander to fans in an attempt to curry favour. Instead, audiences react to them organically, believing both to be elite performers that are worthy of attention regardless of character alignment.
They're not alone...