8 Biggest Tweeners In WWE History

8. Eddie Guerrero

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He lies, he cheats, he steals, and he's also one of the greatest performers to ever grace a WWE ring. Eddie Guerrero was so good in fact that he was regularly cheered even when playing heel. Fans were intoxicated by Eddie's entertainment value and how passionate he was about having the best match on the card.

Guerrero played both heel and babyface during his WWE runs, and although most will likely remember him finally winning the WWE Title at No Way Out 2004 (and all the emotion that came with it), he also excelled as a bitter bad guy. Should anyone need an education on Eddie's heel work, just seek out his vindictive brilliance opposite Rey Mysterio from 2005.

Dodgy angles like Guerrero seeking custody of Rey's son aside, the matches both men had were enhanced because Eddie was just flawless as a character. His promos were good, his in-ring performances better, and fans adored him for it.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.