8 Changes To Revitalize WWE Tough Enough

How can WWE make the show interesting again?

By Brad Hamilton /

Now that this season of Tough enough has drawn to a close and the winners have been chosen it€™s time to take a critical look at the show and evaluate what changes could be made to improve it for future seasons. As a concept, Tough Enough is a good enough idea and when it initially aired on MTV it was an interesting show that gave viewers a small glimpse of the hard work and sacrifice it takes to become a WWE performer. The show has now existed through several different channels and variations and this past season was possibly the least entertaining of them all. The mix between the taped and live formats took a while for WWE to adjust to, and it often felt like there was too much going on. There were even several production errors like having contestants in the bottom three make their final pleas after voting had already closed. In order to truly get the most out of Tough Enough, WWE has to decide if it€™s more valuable to them as a TV show designed to attract and entertain viewers, or as a vehicle with the intent to discover and create the next wave of WWE superstars. Either way, there are some definite improvements that could be made to tighten up the show as a whole. Let's talk about them€