8 Changes To Revitalize WWE Tough Enough

8. Lose The Non-Wrestling Related Challenges

This season €“ like the ones before it €“ featured an abundance of athletic challenges that had absolutely nothing to do with professional wrestling. This may appeal to the viewers who aren€™t wrestling fans, but ratings numbers would suggest that there aren€™t too many of those actually watching Tough Enough. There€™s no reason the audience needs to see these contestants swim through creeks or pretend to be firemen. You can toss out the platitudes about €œlearning to work together€ and €œperforming under extreme pressure€ and call these what they are; run-of-the-mill reality competition show stunts that we€™ve all seen hundreds of times on other shows. They add nothing to the proceedings and don€™t help us determine who might become the next WWE superstar. Going forward, every challenge that the competitors face should be strictly wrestling-based. The promo battles and the like are fine, but if you want to hook more wrestling fans stop with the pointless games and get back to basics.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.