8 Controversial WWE Finishes That Actually Worked

Because not everything is as slapdash as Undertaker/Lesnar from this year's SummerSlam.

By Lewis Howse /

The controversial finish to The Undertaker and Brock Lesnar's epic clash at this year's SummerSlam left spectators confused, the referee and timekeeper looking like a fool and WWE looking like they had no bottle. Done to protect both Lesnar and 'Taker, it actually did nobody any favours, as the camera crucially missed the Dead Man tapping out the first time 'round. What had been an awesome spectacle up to that point was ruined in the eyes of many because WWE had booked the finish that they did. Although I felt the negative reaction to the outcome was a little OTT, I could still see where the complainers were coming from. A clean or even different controversial finish would have been so much better. There were many ways they could have accompished the same goal without resorting to the whole 'timekeeper inexplicably rings the bell even though he doesn't have the authority to end the match' bit. In fact, had WWE looked back through the history books, they could have cribbed a decent controversial finish. There have, believe it or not, been controversial finishes that actually worked in the past. Here are eight of the best examples.