8 More Former WWE Stars Who Need To Return To NXT

Out with the new, in with the old!

By Lewis Howse /

One of the best things about NXT, outside of its often thrilling in-ring product, is that just about anyone can show up there at any given time.


In recent times we've seen the arrival of TNA alumni Samoa Joe, Austin Aries, Bobby Roode and Eric Young. Before that, everyone from Rhyno and Jushin Liger to Too Cool and James Storm showed up on NXT TV. It keeps things exciting and ensures that eyes are always on the product because, hey, you never know who is going to crop up out of the blue.

Not only are these guys good for a nostalgia pop and a bit of internet buzz, they're also talented in their own right and can contribute to the show and help the brand grow. Rhyno was a revelation in NXT, a guy that left WWE as a directionless midcarder made himself a player in the so-called 'developmental' league. 

There are lots of guys (and girls) like Rhyno, former WWE stars who still have something to give back to the business and would be right at home in NXT. 

A little over a year ago, in the wake of Rhyno and Brian Kendrick showing up at a set of NXT TV tapings, I posited ten former WWE stars who should return to the fold. Only the Dudley Boys did (and that wasn't even on NXT). 

Perhaps these eight will have a better chance...

8. Tajiri

The highly entertaining Tajiri is, in my mind, one of the most underrated WWE midcarders ever. Seriously, nobody even talks about the Japanese Buzzsaw anymore. What gives? Tajiri was great, you idiots, and was a constant highlight of the midcard scene between 2001-05, whether he was playing William Regal's comedy sidekick or tearing it up with Rey Mysterio.


Tajiri left WWE in late 2005 and has been working as a freelancer ever since. He even showed up in TNA not too long ago and looked good there. He's only 45 years-old, works regularly and really hasn't changed much at all in the decade or so he's been away from the 'E.

Whilst it's unlikely that he'd have the inclination to work a Japanese dream match against Hideo Itami or Shinsuke Nakamura, perhaps Tajiri could be drafted in to tag with his countrymen? Failing that, a short and fun match against some NXT up-and-comer on a Takeover special would do. As long as we got some stiff kicks, a handspring elbow and, of course, a little bit of green mist it'd all be gravy.

Or, you know, WWE could just wheel him out for a little bit of surprise interaction with NXT General Manager and real-life friend Regal. There's a lot to work with here and, with the NXT brand touring Japan this summer, we might get to see the former United States, Tag Team and Cruiserweight Champion in a WWE ring once more...
