8 Most Devastating Current WWE Superstar Injuries

They are sorely missed...

By Alexander Podgorski /

2015 has been a year of ups and downs for WWE. It has enjoyed a few successes, including a critically-acclaimed WrestleMania, surpassing 1,000,000 subscribers mark on the WWE Network, and a series of outstanding matches between Kevin Owens and John Cena.


On the other hand, WWE has also experienced some problems, including the failure that was the ending of the 2015 Royal Rumble match, an overreliance on ‘free months’ for the Network, and an apathetic audience stemming from an overemphasis on the Authority.

But there’s one thing that trumps these negatives more than anything else: injuries.

Between WrestleMania 31 and mid-June, an astonishing eight wrestlers have been put on the shelf with injuries, ranging from a broken foot to a serious spinal injury. Some of these wrestlers were mid-carders who appeared on WWE programming without significant creative directions. Others were up-and-coming stars who needed as much momentum as possible in order to grab Vince’s brass rings. Finally, some of these wrestlers were very important wrestlers who were featured quite prominently, and enjoyed a lot of time on WWE programming.

All eight of these men have been regular foci of WWE programming, as either singles or tag team wrestlers, only for them to be sidelined with injuries. These injuries are incredibly disappointing, as the superstars that suffered them have lost momentum and have to worry not just about being forgotten by the WWE Universe (because the show must always go on), but in some cases must contemplate retirement and future endeavors.

8. Jamie Noble

As a member of J&J Security, Jamie Noble was a surprisingly entertaining addition to Monday Night RAW. His short stature made him the butt of countless jokes, yet he did his job as one half of the world’s smallest bodyguard duo very well. Even though he’s not technically an active member of the roster, he still does his job well, and fans love to watch him (alongside Joey Mercury) get demolished by the Authority’s enemies.


Unfortunately, Jamie Noble’s in the hospital for a while due to an attack by Brock Lesnar that led to three legitimately broken ribs. During the Authority’s beat-down on Brock Lesnar on the June 22nd 2015 edition of RAW, Lesnar slammed Noble into the barricade and didn’t get back up to join his buddy Mercury and the rest of the Authority in attacking Lesnar.

Noble had to leave the arena via ambulance, and some fans were legitimately concerned with his well-being, especially after he tweeted that he experienced difficulty breathing. Thankfully, his injury isn’t that severe, and WWE is (rightfully) using this real injury as a means of furthering a current storyline.

That said, J&J Security isn’t the same with Mercury acting alone, especially since Noble was the one who spoke for both of them. Hopefully he gets well soon, and resumes his spot as the Authority’ cannon fodder.
