8 Most Underutilized TNA Wrestlers

They may not be able to save TNA, but they can at least make it a better place.

By Andrew Soucek /


Right now, TNA is actually doing a pretty decent job of filling their roster with homegrown talent, along with bringing in former WWE names that still have a big upside. In addition to that, there are a select few wrestlers like Matt Hardy, Drew Galloway and Bobby Lashley who are either doing their best work in years, or simply the best work of their entire careers. So what's wrong?


Well, besides those pesky, massive financial issues plaguing the company, there are a handful of wrestlers on the roster who just aren’t getting enough love. The X Division, Tag Team Division and Knockouts Division have all taken a big dive in quality over the past few years, which means a lot of talent in the company isn't getting the opportunity to live up to their full potential.

With the company fighting for their very survival right now, they need to get the most out of everyone they can as soon as possible to try and stave off extinction. They've made quite a few mistakes in the past, but luckily there are a handful of wrestlers with a ton of untapped potential who can contribute to the on-air product, and potentially help them climb out of this mess.


From longtime veterans, to a few fresher faces, here are the eight most underutilized wrestlers in TNA.