8 Movies You Didn't Know Almost Starred WWE Superstars

The Rock was nearly Willy Wonka?

By Jacob Trowbridge /

Everyone in Hollywood has a list of famous movie roles they "almost" nabbed, but either had to back out of or were ultimately overlooked for someone else. And apparently that's also the case for some of WWE's most talented superstars. Now, to be fair, sometimes these "near misses" are largely fictitious, created out of ego. For instance, there's little doubt that Hulk Hogan had any real shot at playing Mickey Rourke's character in The Wrestler, but if telling everyone that he passed on the role (after the filmmakers practically begged him to get involved) helps the Hulkster sleep better at night, then so be it. But there have been a few legitimate instances of a WWE Superstar coming this close to landing a role so weird, so interesting, so...awesome, that it just might have reformed modern cinema as we know it. Or, at the very least, would have been neat to watch the movie and say "Wait...why is Kevin Nash in a scene with Jennifer Lawrence? And why isn't that happening all of the time?" Over the years, wrestlers have been slowly working their way into mainstream movies, though they've mostly remained outliers in Tinseltown. (With a few notable exceptions, of course.) One can't help but wonder that maybe if the following roles had been captured by WWE's elite, there would be an even greater influx of roles for them in films today.