8 Things To Look Forward To When Wrestling Goes Back To Normal

This virus has changed everything, not even our beloved professional wrestling is safe!

By Kurtis Young /

Professional wrestling has suffered many casualties this year, from the banning of live crowds which affected every aspect of wrestling shows, to the cancelling of high stakes matches, to the neutering of the biggest professional wrestling event on the calendar: WWE's WrestleMania, which for the first time in its history just didn't feel like that big of a deal.


The world is slowly but surely starting to recover, and as a result, wrestling is starting to find its feet again. It remains to be seen when and if things will ever go back to normal, but here are some surefire returns that we are excitedly anticipating. It's been tough for us all, but we are tough enough, and so is wrestling!

It can't be denied that wrestling in all forms from the bottom to the top has taken a serious beating this past year, although just like The Rock, the world's favorite spandex soap opera says "just bring it."

Just like Hulk Hogan, the world's favorite spandex soap opera will Hulk up.

Just like John Cena, the world's favorite spandex soap opera will Never Gi--... you get the point.

8. Touring Schedules

Professional wrestling's origins can be traced back to events seen at travelling carnivals and circuses as early as the 19th century. Although the sport has evolved massively since then, the travelling aspect has always remained. Whether it was WWE travelling the globe visiting a different city every night, or a local £5-per-entry indy promotion featuring talent who work the cash register at the corner store during the week making a stop at your home town.


With the virus came travel bans, thus bringing an end to touring schedules for the first time ever since professional wrestlings inception all those years ago. Although this change has been beneficial to the wrestlers giving many a much lighter, reduced schedule which has done wonders for their health and well being, selfishly as fans we cannot wait for companies to start touring again.

Nothing beats the experience of watching wrestling live and in person, and when companies finally begin touring again you can guarantee the shows will sell out like never before.
