8 Things WWE's Tag Division Could Learn From NXT

NXT knows exactly how to treat their developmental duos. WWE main roster? Not so much...

By Tom Beasley /

The tag team division on the main WWE roster is currently in something of a stale state. Red-hot act New Day have held the belts since they won a four-way match to dethrone the Prime Time Players at SummerSlam and have since been embroiled in a feud with the Dudley Boyz who, despite the nostalgia value of their characters, have hardly set the ring alight when pay-per-view matches have come around. Meanwhile, in NXT, things couldn't be more different: their tag team division is in the best health it has ever been, with the wildly entertaining Vaudevillains sat at the pinnacle as NXT Tag Team Champions. It's clear that the parallel WWE rosters (or creative teams) have approached their tag team divisions in vastly different ways. The main roster is at present floating along on the wave of one incredibly over team and the nostalgia value of a pair of returning legends. Over at NXT, however, groundwork is being laid for a division that creates new stars and increases the prestige of a championship that is the centrepiece of a competitive landscape. Clearly, this is a situation where the parent should probably take a long hard look at the child's success.
