8 Ups And 5 Downs From Last Night's WWE Raw (May 18th)

Was Vince locked in a closet for this episode of Raw? Because it showed.

By Scott Carlson /

The maintenance staff at the Richmond (Va.) Coliseum should check all the rooms and closets to make sure Vince McMahon isn€™t still locked away in one of them. That€™s about the only way a Raw like that could happen in this day and age €“ if Vince was locked away to prevent him from mucking it up. WWE delivered one of the most solid three-hour episodes of Raw (save for special ones) in recent memory, putting on a show that top-to-bottom entertained, captivated and fired up the audience. What makes this remarkable is how wildly inconsistent Raw typically is within the same episode, with some segments wowing the crowd and others putting them to sleep. Monday night€™s Raw fired on all cylinders at nearly every turn, focusing on a resurgent Dean Ambrose and calling upon an NXT standout to turn things up a couple notches. We also saw a longtime duo call it quits and other superstars step up to shine. Sure, like every episode, there were moments that left you scratching your head, but WWE followed up nicely on a better-than-expected Payback PPV with a better-than-anticipated Raw. The result is an Elimination Chamber PPV that already is looking like it could be a really fun night. So what stood out and what should have gotten locked away (presumably with Vince)? Let€™s find out.