8 Ways WWE Can Reinvent Seth Rollins

With Seth Rollins getting booed now more than ever, is it time to "burn it down" and start over?

By Zachary Perez /

What can be done with Seth Rollins?


The babyface turned arsonist is quickly becoming one of the most hated men in the company. And not on purpose, either. But Hell in a Cell just capped off a period of over six months of awful booking dating back to WrestleMania.

Unfortunately, the idea to make him Universal Champion seemed based more on short term milking of the final Shield reunion than his long term booking plans.

Despite a fantastic short program with AJ Styles for Money in the Bank, Rollins had a lackluster run with the belt thanks in no small part to Baron Corbin and Lacey Evans. This led to him dropping to Lesnar, only to win it again in a seemingly desperate attempt to reinvent Seth. And it almost worked.

He regained momentum fast, earning his rematch in a number one contender match, becoming the second ever two time Universal champion, and the only wrestler to beat Lesnar at WrestleMania and SummerSlam. The Beast Slayer became a fitting (albeit played out) nickname.

Seth even grabbed a record tying fifth Raw tag team championship with Braun to become double champion, and defeated Strowman the night they lost those belts at Clash of Champions. Despite Rollins' tone-deaf foot-in-mouth nature on social media, and boring promos throughout, this run felt more real. The proverbial ship, broken hull and all, was finally righting course. Until we got to Hell in a Cell. They just had to book that match.

Now they need to start rebuilding "The Architect" once again.

8. Let The Fiend Destroy Him

Apparently, WWE knows they really screwed up. So much so, they felt the need to address this concern in the name of the match at Crown Jewel. Yes, the first ever officially titled Falls Count Anywhere "Can't Be Stopped For Any Reason" match will take place in Saudi Arabia on the afternoon of Halloween. Don't screw this up this time, Vince.


The match booking here should be very simple: let The Fiend come as close to murdering Seth Rollins as will be allowed in Saudi Arabia. OK, bad choice of words admittedly. But the point remains: let him destroy Seth Rollins.

There really should be no other reason to book this match. Sure, if Bray does take the victory here then he will take the red belt to the blue brand, but that isn't what this is about anymore. Bray needs this to save his character, and so does Seth.

If WWE wants to avoid the title change here, they can still avoid a finish. Not the best outcome, but having The Fiend beat the piss out of him all around the arena until he can't stand on his own two stomping feet should suffice regardless.

The bell doesn't even need to ring: as long as the damage is done they can play this off as not being a "match" at all. Bray could then disappear, his point proven and his next victim claimed as he prophesied. No need for a pinfall or traditional contest, because very fittingly for Halloween, he is just a monster looking for blood.

Does it blatantly spit in the face of rules as if it were Carlito and the said rules weren't cool? Absolutely. But what stopped them before?

Most everyone will be satisfied by seeing Rollins destroyed, and The Fiend will be restored. But if Seth was smart he would be better off to...
