8 Ways WWE Is Catering To The Hardcore Fans Right Now

The smarks are finally getting their wish.

By Brad Hamilton /

These past 30 days have been some of the most unique in WWE history. We've seen pushes for wrestlers we never thought would have a chance making it to the big stage, other guys taking a backseat when no one expected them to and a fundamental shift in thinking for the most successful wrestling promotion in the world.


With the audience continually shrinking, maybe the powers that be finally decided it was time to stop aiming for the casual fans who frequently bounce in and out of the viewing demographic and start catering to the hardcore fans who have kept the company afloat through some pretty turbulent times.

In this article we're going to take a look at some evidence that would suggest that's exactly what's going on. Vince McMahon is notoriously set in his ways, and if we didn't know better the booking since the brand split would lead one to believe that the coach has been sitting a few plays out.

Here's 8 ways WWE is catering to hardcore fans.

8. Roman Reigns Is Back In The Midcard

You’d have to go all the way back to Rocky Maivia’s initial run to find a push as soundly rejected by the audience as that of Roman Reigns.


Despite WWE’s best efforts – which have done more damage than good – all attempts to get him over to the point that he could succeed John Cena as the top babyface star have fallen flat. It isn’t his fault; the fans just weren’t having it solely because Vince McMahon told them he was the guy and they were going to eat sh*t and learn to love the taste.

Now it seems that the company has finally come to their senses and realised that the audience wasn’t going to accept Reigns in that role. Since getting busted for a wellness violation, which was reportedly Adderall, Roman has been either been a supporting player in the main event scene or hovering just below it.

He’s been feuding with Rusev over the United States title and was one of four men who competed for the vacated Universal championship this past Raw, but other than that the brakes have been pumped on his megapush.

Whether or not this is due to a realisation on behalf of the brass that the current direction wasn’t working or a punishment for the violation is irrelevant; the fact remains that he’s bee shunted down the card and is no longer the sole focus of the company, which has definitely made the fan base happy. Reigns has his place, and there’s nothing to suggest he can’t be “the guy” someday, but that day isn’t today.

We’re still holding out for that heel turn, though.
