8 Ways WWE Is Catering To The Hardcore Fans Right Now

7. Finn Balor Was Getting A Mega-Push

Kevin Owens Internet

On the flip side of the aforementioned entry, Finn Balor – prior to getting injured, of course – was the new recipient of the uberpush that Reigns had previously been the beneficiary of. In his first three matches on the main roster, Balor defeated Rusev, Reigns and then competed in one of the top matches at WWE’s second-biggest annual show, winning the newly-created Universal championship by defeating Seth Rollins.

That’s quite the introduction.

I’m not going to go on a tangent about how it’s a bit hypocritical for the fans to be so receptive towards WWE throwing everything behind Finn after passionately rejecting Roman; after all Roman is arguably better on the mic, has a more developed character (which isn’t saying much for either guy, honestly) and has been in some of WWE’s top matches in the last twelve months. The difference is he lacks the indie cred that Balor has, but that’s another article entirely.

WWE is in desperate need of new top stars, especially now that the brand split has divided the already weak roster down the middle, and they were in the process of trying to create one with a guy the audience has wanted them to get behind for quite some time. It’s unfortunate that the injury occurred when it did because we could have been on the verge of seeing something special.

Or he could have flamed out, but either way at least WWE made the attempt.

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Kevin Owens
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Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.