9 Most Disappointing Wrestling Cage Matches Of All Time

Once upon a time a cage match used to mean something. None of those times are here...

By Jacob Trowbridge /

Two (or more) men battling it out in a steel cage is a lovely tradition in sports entertainment. The confines of the cage often produce some of the most exciting, brutal, and memorable moments in the industry. The best cage matches arrive organically, grown out of a longstanding feud with so much BS that there's simply no other option but to resolve it from within the enclosed space between steel bars. The worst of them, however, are slapdash affairs with no greater ambitions than glossing up a bunch of random melee with an extra gimmick to keep fans from realizing how awful the match would be without the extra metal. Of course, this rarely works. But that doesn't keep them from trying. Though not all of the matches below are "traditional" cage matches, they all utilize the structure with varying degrees of non-success. Some of them may have roofs, some use multiple cages, and still others simply try to wrap a terrible matchup in a steel bow and call it a day. As a courtesy, I'll advise everyone reading to seek out the Matt Hardy vs. Edge cage match from Unforgiven 2005 after you've finished reading to wash the bad taste out of your mouth.