9 Ups & 5 Downs From Impact Wrestling (Jan 28)

Best of five series kicks off, while Taya Valkyrie's next challenger is determined.

By Adam Morrison /

Impact Wrestling

Whenever Impact Wrestling head to Mexico, the shows tend to be hit or miss. You may get one or two alright matches, but they'll be drowned out by something much, much worse. That wasn't necessarily the case this week though, as three of the six matches knocked the ball clean out of the park - Josh Alexander vs. Vikingo, Michael Elgin vs. Eddie Edwards, and Moose vs. Taurus.


As for the other three matches - Jordynne Grace vs. Madison Rayne vs. Kiera Hogan, The Rascalz vs. Pagano & Murder Clown, and Reno Scum vs. Daga & Dr Wagner Jr. - they weren't entirely terrible contests (with the exception of the second one), but there was one or two bits that held them back in places. Had they been just a tad better, and had the Rascalz match been scrapped, then it would've been a clean sweep of excellent matches from this week's episode.

Elsewhere on the show, Joey Ryan feels as if Rob Van Dam is threatened by Katie Forbes wanting to touch 'it', Rosemary challenged Suzie to a friendly exhibition next week, Ace Austin called out Tessa Blanchard while also stating that Trey was now at the back of the line when it came to X Division Championship challengers, and Fallah Bahh got new ring gear in a segment that lasted for two minutes. It was a mixed bag.


A mostly positive episode to round off January. Let's get to it...