9 Ups & 5 Downs From Impact Wrestling (Jan 28)


5. Wrong Focus

According to TJP, he'll be battling Vikingo next week, which will almost certainly steal the show.

So why was the only TJP segment of the show focused on Fallah Bahh's new ring gear? It didn't make any sense as to why the focus was primarily on Bahh instead of TJP. In addition, why does it matter that Fallah got new gear? It's not him that's wrestling next week. If this segment needed to air, then it surely could've happened when he had a match coming up, rather than his tag team partner.

That's all there is to say on the matter. It's quite hard to pick apart a two minute segment that revolved around the colour of a pair of tights.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.