9 Ups And 11 Downs From WrestleMania 32

Was WrestleMania 32 all smoke and mirrors?

By Scott Carlson /

WWE€™s hyperbole machine will be in full swing in the coming days and weeks, as the company will undoubtedly tell anyone who will listen repeatedly how WrestleMania XXXII was the biggest and best of all time. The company will cite the appearances of megastars like the Rock (including an impromptu €œmatch€), Steve Austin, Mick Foley and Shawn Michaels, as well as a surprise appearance by John Cena, a death-defying leap off Hell in a Cell, and tons of fireworks.


Oh, and WWE will almost certainly try to sell everyone on how much everyone loves Roman Reigns and that he persevered to dispatch of the hated Authority, making him the most popular guy on the roster, right? The Roman Empire€™s renaissance is upon us, and WWE is confident that this €“ not Shane McMahon €“ will usher in change for the company moving forward.

WrestleMania XXXII wasn€™t the worst of all time, but it certainly could rank toward the bottom of the bottom tier when it€™s all said and done. WWE very clearly didn€™t have much in the tank for this year, so they fell back on retired superstars, gimmicks and pyro to try to keep the large crowd fired up.


It wasn€™t all bad this year, but the hype might be stretched just a bit thin this year. So what was truly entertaining and what was a disappointment? Let€™s get to it