Assessing The Futures Of 10 WWE Stars Who Didn’t Make Royal Rumble 2020 Cut

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeell, it's the no shows!

By Jamie Kennedy /

WWE offered 60 spots across both the men's and women's Royal Rumble matches. With only 30 prime berths to go around in each, the male and female locker rooms had some disappointed faces come Sunday morning when some learned they definitely wouldn't be taking part.


No kick off point on the 'Road To WrestleMania' for these guys, and no sweet Rumble payday either.

This is the most lucrative time of the year to be a WWE superstar, and that must only make it all the more agonising for those who missed out on the first big pay-per-view of 2020. The question is this: WWE redemption or WWE dismissal? In other words, will the men and women who missed out on the Rumble completely have a part to play during 'Mania season or will they be pushed further out of the frame as their employers rage towards Tampa this April?


There's also a question hanging over what happens to these talents post-WrestleMania too. WWE always hit a soft reset when the biggest night of the year is over, and some of these guys and gals may well be needed to fill out feuds and pick up some slack for the outgoing part-timers...