Fantasy Booking AEW's First 10 Trios Champions

The Death Triangle, Eddie Kingston's Family, SCU: there can be only one.

By Adam Morrison /

Last week's pre-Winter Is Coming media conference call saw All Elite Wrestling president Tony Khan all but confirmed the long-awaited AEW Trios Championships.


Khan stated that the titles were definitely something he and the team had been thinking of bringing in, though we probably won't see them in 2020, with the AEW chief seemingly aiming for Q1 2021 instead. Still, it's something we should very much be excited by, given the depth of AEW's multi-man squads.

With PAC having recently returned to Daily's Place to reunite Death Triangle with The Lucha Bros, and the likes of Team Taz, Eddie Kingston's Family, The Dark Order, and Jurassic Express also running amok, the timing could not have been more perfect for this sort of news to drop. Companies like Ring of Honor and New Japan Pro Wrestling have proven that trios titles can work - All Elite would be no exception to that rule.

But who should the first champions be? Who should then follow in their footsteps as the second champions, and the third champions, and so on and so forth? Well, you've come to just the right place...

10. Eddie Kingston's Family

Eddie Kingston needs to lift AEW gold sooner rather than later, but it's unlikely he'll be tasting the World Championship anytime soon. Alongside The Butcher and The Blade, though, 'The Mad King' should be one-third of the inaugural AEW Trios Champions.


Ideally, an eight-team tournament will be created, building towards Double or Nothing 2021. Alongside Eddie Kingston's Family are Death Triangle, Team Taz, SCU, Jurassic Express, The Inner Circle (more specifically, Sammy Guevara, Ortiz, and Santana), The Dark Order (comprised of John Silver, Alex Reynolds, and Alan Angels), and Best Friends and Orange Cassidy.

Getting through to the finals, Kingston's team would see off the combined challenge of Chuck Taylor, Trent, and Orange Cassidy, and then Jurassic Express, meeting PAC, Rey Fenix, and Penta El Zero Miedo in the finals at the May pay-per-view. The story is already there for an Eddie Kingston's Family vs. Death Triangle match to decide the inaugural champions, providing we can stretch this rivalry out as much as possible.

Seeing Eddie Kingston finally lift a championship on a major platform is exactly what he needs. His status will forever be solidified in All Elite Wrestling, but he still requires that elusive first title win to propel him onto bigger and better things down the line.
