Fantasy Booking AEW's First 10 Trios Champions

9. Death Triangle

Death Triangle

They may come up short in the inaugural tournament finals, but the PAC-led alliance won't be too far behind Eddie Kingston's Family in capturing AEW's three-man championships.

After losing to 'The Mad King' and The Butcher, and The Blade at the third annual Double or Nothing, The Death Triangle should be presented as the scrappy underdogs. An unusual role for the trio, given how high they've been positioned within wrestling for a good chunk of time, but it fits the scenario.

Needless to say, Kingston's team need to have a decent run with the championships in their first reign. Not only because the inaugural reign of a championship needs to be a memorable one, but also because Eddie's first title run in All Elite also needs to be huge.

In the end, though, the only trio who should feasibly dethrone the inaugural CHIKARA Grand Champion and co. is 'The Bastard' and friends. Alongside Rey Fenix and Penta El Zero Miedo, having the former 'King of the Cruiserweights' end the reign of 'The Mad King' would be a fitting development in the PAC vs. Kingston saga.

By this point, it may seem as if the pair's rivalry has been dragged on, but is there really anyone who wouldn't want to see so much of PAC vs. Eddie Kingston?


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.