King Ross' 10 Favourite WWE Matches Ever

King of matches...

By Ross Tweddell /

To me, your King of WTF and WhatCulture in general, there is more to a great wrestling match than solely what happens from bell to bell. In fact, as some entries on this list will show, what happens in the ring comes second to what's happening elsewhere.


A great match, in some cases, has a great story behind it and nothing else. Sometimes a bout can end up being bowling shoe ugly (as an old Oklahoman used to tell us), which doesn't really matter if what happens means a lot. 

Then of course we have those matches that are made by the crowd, which is the true magic of professional wrestling. The dullest of duels can be made into classics by the work the paying audience puts in, creating moments that make the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. 

We all have different perspectives on what makes the business great, which is one of the things that makes being a wrestling fan so unique. Nobody, not even WWE with their crowd muting controlling ways, can tell us what's right and what's wrong. 

We march to the beat of our own drum as wrestling fans, which is why if you find yourself disagreeing with anything you are about to read, I don't care. Everybody has a valid opinion. 

Here are King Ross' 10 favourite WWE matches... after reading Jack The Jobber's top 10 I've had to rejig mine somewhat. You know, because I can't be seen having the same interests as that peasant! 

10. Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit Vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin & Triple H - RAW 21.5.01

The best match that never took place, if you will. Obviously, after all that took place with Chris Benoit in 2007 this is one of the stellar bouts that has been lost in WWE history.


It's the match where Triple H's quad rolled up his thigh. It's the match where Triple H then took a Walls of Jericho on the announcer's table in one of the most gruesome moments I've ever witnessed as a wrestling fan.

That feat of intestinal fortitude alone is worthy of a place on this list. There's no denying it.

But for me, as good as the title change from the Two Man Power Trip to the Calgary Kids was, the work of Stone Cold and Triple H - the Texas Rattlesnake especially - is what made this match so great.

I don't know about you, but I prefer a heel to a babyface and the things Austin was doing during that match was as good a heel performance as I've ever seen.

Austin was a psychopath back then and during a traditional spot where the heels throw a babyface to the floor to have a breather/run away, Stone Cold did this but chased after the tumbling Benoit, leathering him in the face repeatedly.

It's those little things... they go such a long way.

A unadulterated rollercoaster display of tag team wrestling at its brilliant best.
